Saturday, February 10, 2018

No Bells For Now

Yesterday was the 25th and final day of my radiation treatments as well as my last dose of chemo pills. When asked by one of the radiation techs if  I had any celebration plans I replied that I am celebrating with cautious optimism. When I finished my initial chemo treatment back on November 1st I rang the bell in the clinic and the staff recited an inspirational verse. I appreciated the ceremony of it all but yesterday I decided not to ring the clinic bell.

Since my last blog update I have felt better in every way. I still have no physical pain and I have the nausea under control. I could still have side affects the next couple weeks but based on how I've been feeling the docs seem to think I should be fine. I now have two weeks of normal living ahead. I have missed the monotony of daily life. I will go to work at my regular time and leave at a regular time. I will pick kids up from school and activities. I won't take 6 giant chemo pills everyday. I won't drive to Denver everyday.

Beyond these two weeks, I have a vacation/sibling reunion planned in sunny Rochester, MN. Joni, John and I have rented a house for a few nights and will be partaking in such exciting events as various oncology consultations, CT and MRI scans, and blood work not to mention our planned reenactment of the classic film Fargo. While there the docs at the Mayo Clinic will come up with a plan for surgery. The surgery should happen in the second half of March. I'm hoping to avoid any surprises in the scans or blood work but we will deal with whatever happens. Beyond that I really have no idea what will happen but hopefully will involve the vigorous ringing of many bells.

A New Year: Time to Bring the Old System Back Online

Happy 2019!  In two days my intestines will be reconnected. I will hopefully be functioning somewhat like a regular person in a few short...