Monday, October 9, 2017

Round 10

I neglected to send an update during Round 9 mostly because life is busy and there really wasn't a lot to update health wise. My mother accompanied for the round and got to live the excitement that is the Cancer Center. Afterwards I had a couple days of feeling tired but seemed to recover quicker than normal. There were few if any side affects and I considered myself very lucky to be this far along with only minor issues. Really for me chemo has been more of a bi-weekly annoyance than a life changing event. It is certainly no picnic but there are many people who have it much worse.

Round 10 was last week. My brother John flew in from Maine to visit and accompany me to chemo. It was great to see him and I enjoyed the company. Once again this round seems to be going mostly fine. I'm perhaps a little more tired than last round but my appetite is already back and I went for my first run today in a long while. The doctor that I saw at chemo told me I'm one of only a few that have made it this far without reducing my chemo dosage. So yeah, more poison for me!

A few weeks ago I had my first acupuncture experience. I was expecting to be stuck with a million needles but it was probably only about eight total. It was very relaxing and the good feeling lasted a couple days. I'm still a little skeptical but will probably give it another try at some point.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoy their autumn. We had our first snow in Colorado today.

A New Year: Time to Bring the Old System Back Online

Happy 2019!  In two days my intestines will be reconnected. I will hopefully be functioning somewhat like a regular person in a few short...