Saturday, November 4, 2017

Round 12

Round 12 of chemotherapy is now done and for now I am past that part of the process. As with my other rounds my main side affect is fatigue. I have not lost weight or hair throughout this process all though Carrie thinks more of my hair is gray now. The doctor asked me this week if chemo was easier or harder than I thought. For me it was definitely easier than I pictured but I certainly don't want to go through it again. 

On November 30th I will have a CT scan and then will discuss those results with the oncologist the following day. If things look good I will be having surgery to take down my ostomy on December 13th. I will be in the hospital anywhere from 4 to 7 days depending on how I am healing. Hopefully, this means I can start 2018 off in a healthy state and 2017 will become a distant memory. I will continue to have scans, bloodwork and scopes for years to come.

Thanks everyone for your continued love and support. I will post again in a month with the results of my scan.

A New Year: Time to Bring the Old System Back Online

Happy 2019!  In two days my intestines will be reconnected. I will hopefully be functioning somewhat like a regular person in a few short...